RFT 109: Flight Test Engineer/Aviation Safety Expert Dr. Todd Curtis

Todd Curtis served as a Flight Test Engineer in the Air Force at Edwards Air Force Base prior to launching the web site AirSafe.com in 1996, capitalizing on his Bachelor's Degree (Electrical Engineering), Master's Degrees (Electrical Engineering and Business) and Doctorate (Aviation Risk Asseessment). The site consistently ranks as a top three or first page result for Google searches for airline safety, fear of flying, carry-on baggage, and numerous other airline safety and security terms. The web site has also been cited frequently by major newspapers such as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and Washington post. The site and related online properties continue to provide the public with a diverse source of airline safety and security information.He has worked at Boeing and is a frequent guest on television news shows as an aviation expert.The website that Dr. Curtis maintains is an excellent source of air safety information, and he has authored an outstanding book for parents: Dr. Curtis is offering a unique course on how to share your expertise at work, at school or on radio and television.

Correction: Dr. Curtis mentioned the Aerospace Maintenance Competition being in Miami this year and next year, but it wasn't Miami, it was Orlando. Next year's competition will be in Orlando.
The link for the competition is https://www.aerospacecompetition.com/
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RFT 110: Wake Turbulence


RFT 108: Aerotoxic Syndrome