RFT 325: Failure of Imagination

Prior to 9/11, instructions to airline flight crews were to "comply with hijacker demands".

  • Secretary Rice: “I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile”
  • 1972: Southern Airways Flt 49 threatened to crash into Oak Ridge National Laboratory
  • 1974: S. Byck attempted to hijack Delta DC-9 to crash it into White House
  • 1993: Iran training pilots to fly into buildings
  • 1994: Air France Flt 8969
  • 1994: FedEx Flt 705

  • 1994: Terror 2000
  • 1995: Bojinka plot included crashing planes into Sears Tower, Transamerica Bldg, WTC, John Hancock Tower, U.S. Congress, White House
  • 1996: Ethiopian Airlines Flt 961
  • 1996: Chechen rebel threatened crash into Kremlin
  • 1998: Kaplanicar (Turkish) attempt to crash airplane into tomb of Attaturk
  • 1999: MI6 warned of suicide attack
  • 1999: Research Div. of L.O.C warned of airplane attacks

  • 1999: Keynote address at NDU warned of UAV attacks on buildings
  • 2000: Security consultant warned “most serious threat to WTC was someone flying a plane into it”
  • March, 2001: The Lone Gunmen – hijacked B-727 flown into WTC

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RFT 326: Thunderbird/Author/University President Chris Stricklin


RFT 324: Pittsburgh Aviation Animal Rescue Team CEO Jonathan Plesset