RFT 572: F-15 Pilot Chad Robbins

From LinkedIn:

4500+ hour professional pilot (instructor / evaluator / maintenance test), educator, and aviation/leadership/organizational management consultant built on a foundation of 21 years as a fighter pilot in the US Air Force (F-15E Strike Eagle).

Highly proficient in the use of basic & advanced information technologies to help plan, brief, execute, and debrief aviation-oriented solutions to even the most challenging aviation business problems.

Most Current experience:
+ Chief Pilot of Part 91 private business flight program
+ Lead Fixed Wing Pilot of Part 135 air ambulance program at Children’s Hospital Colorado
+ Affiliate Faculty at Metro State University of Denver, Aerospace Sciences Department
+ Consultant in air transportation planning, organizational leadership, and process improvement.

Depth and breadth of aviation & non-aviation experience as:
+ Executive leadership/management advisor & coach
+ Team and organizational leader
+ Program & project manager
+ Educator & trainer
+ Standards & compliance evaluator

International experience.
+ Aviation consultant and trainer in over twelve countries in
> Europe
> Africa
> West Asia (Eastern Mediterranean & Arabian Gulf regions).
+ Roles included
> Aviation planning/briefing/executing/debriefing training-team leader
> Multi-national aviation-related cross-functional conference project manager
> National defense consultant.

Lauded for ability to rapidly observe, analyze, and synchronize new information in order generate innovative solutions/improvements through:
+ Well-developed diplomacy and consensus building skills
+ Leveraging of highly effective process review & improvement techniques
+ Optimization of team diversity by focusing individual strengths toward a common purpose
+ Coordination of disparate individual efforts to achieve effective synchronization

Passion for helping organizations enhance individual and team relevance in an increasingly competitive globally-connected environment.


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